You Better Run, Boy

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Is the year lost? Does it matter? Does anything even matter? I’m sure you’ve been involved in conversations with people asking these same questions lately. There are so many people describing 2020 as a year lost. Plans canceled, time shifting, events postponed. There are still many others seeing this is an opportunity to push through ideas and projects without having to ask permission or listen to objections. 

My hope is that for everyone, this is a time to think about the systems in place that rely on racism, oppression, and white supremacy to keep us apart. I hope we all allow ourselves the space to let out some screams.

You may be thinking about a lost year, but for so many Black people in this country, the year doesn’t matter…we’re always thinking of lives lost. We are always aware of what lives don’t matter. Ours. The news of more Black lives lost has been weighing heavy on my heart and raging deep in my soul.

I wrote this to share those feelings. I wrote this for my son. My son who loves to run. 

You Better Run, Boy


Blackness is your crime

Whiteness is the judge


The witnesses?

A list of traumas, pains, and sorrows


A list too long

Full of names that never got to see today


A few: Sean, Ahmaud, Sandra, Trayvon, Emmett

All bear witness


You better run, Boy

Outrun their fear

See the full piece on Medium

Tamika Butler